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Transportation Research Center
Polytechnic University of Madrid

The Transport Research Center (TRANSyT), created by agreement of the Governing Board of the UPM on December 19, 2002, is a research and development center of the highest scientific and technological level, whose MISSION is as follows:


Being a multidisciplinary research center on mobility and transport, addressing its economic, social, environmental and spatial dimensions to provide innovative solutions to society.


Become a reference Center in research and innovation in mobility, leader in knowledge generation and help for the sustainable development of society


TRANSyT has the following objectives:

  • Explore, imagine and design the future of sustainable mobility.
  • Generate leadership capacity and participation in cutting-edge research programs, projects and networks in the field of transport through a multidisciplinary team, linked to innovation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Strengthen the relationship with other centers, national, European and the rest of the world, to promote the development of collaboration, knowledge and exchange networks within the area of knowledge of transport.
  • Being a bridge between the University and different transport agents: public bodies, companies and other sectoral organizations, as well as students and citizens interested in the area.
  • Support policies and decision making.
  • Consolidate our position as the best Spanish/European research center in mobility and transport for a sustainable and decarbonised society.
  • Increase the average level of excellence of our researchers and offer training programs of the highest quality.
  • Become a pole for attracting talent for researchers and students interested in mobility and transport for a sustainable and decarbonised society.
  • To be an engine of economic and social development in our environment.
  • Consolidate the governance and management model and take it to the highest levels of efficiency.

Outstanding news

Job offers

Open Calls

Links to the Research group of Transport, Infraestructures and territory website
Link to the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory website

Smart, sustainable and integrated mobility systems

Transport impact analysis

Energy & decarbonization

Freight and logistics

Policy regulation and business models


EU Funding


Healthy, inclusive and sustainable remote work futures as a Win-Win for employees and employers in urban, rural and cross-border areas.


Knowledgable comprEhensive and fullY integrated SmarT sOlutioNs for rEsilient, sustainable and optimized transport operations.


Greening European Mobility through cascading innovation INItiatives.



Advanced multimodal marketplace for low emission and energy transportation.

National Funding


Improving mobility in cities through the integration of public transport and proximity urban planning.



FOsteRing THe City Of proximity through Maas INteGration.



Evaluation of virtual reality techniques as a collaborative scenario building tool for land-use and transport planning


E-commerce impact on urban mobility trends after COVID-19: policy modeling to optimize sustainability.


Development and validation of a prototype of an advanced analytical tool for the management of shared micromobility and its efficient integration with public transport.


Modeling the impact of shared electric mobility on climate change and pollution: digital and regulatory means to improve urban areas.


APP for green and clean navigation: Optimal itineraries, minimum emissions and social impacts.


The influence of ICT on the use and productivity of travel time. Effects on the decarbonization of mobility.


Guidelines for the optimal and socially acceptable implementation of low emission zones.